Tag: Gratitude


Your Story Matters

Your Story Matters

“From his abundance, we have all received one gracious blessing after another.  For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ.  No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God, is near to the Father’s heart. He has revealed God to us.”

John 1:16-18 NLT

You matter. John 1:1-18 tells us why. Everything was created through God from the very beginning. And through that creation, God reveals his heart. There is no part of creation he does not see. There is not a single person he does not hear. The light of the world was given to all of us, and that Light knows us. 

I wonder what your heart longs for? We all seem to be searching for the next thing that will make life better. Sometimes it feels like we are searching in vain. The things you desire may seem impossible to obtain, but the want of them consumes you. It reminds me of Thorin Oakenshield in Tolkien’s, The Hobbit. 

Wide-eyed, he frantically searches for his treasure. Nothing else matters. The Arkenstone holds value above anything and anyone. He trips over a jeweled chalice and cusses when his hand is cut on the edge of a diamond. In his frustration, he throws a handful of gold across the treasure chamber, once again scanning for his treasure. It is nowhere to be found. Darkness engulfs him amidst the glittering cavern. Light from numerous torches contagiously reflects throughout the room. Thorin Oakenshield does not see it. His obsession blinds him. 

The one thing you desire has power. It rules your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions. You muddle through the mundane and mindlessly fulfill your obligations. Yet your soul is longing for something that seems impossible to possess. Who has not felt like this at some point or the other? Especially during the pandemic! Suspicion tells me there is something important to notice about these desires. 

The Arkenstone reflected light, and its value was beyond comprehension. In the mind of Thorin, it was the treasure above all treasures. This was the jewel that would crown him King under the Mountain. In this story, I see a longing for worth and belonging. When I read John 1, my heart swells with joy. Perhaps it is because I enjoy poetic language, but I believe it is so much more. 

Jesus, the true light, or dare I say our greatest treasure, came into the world he created so we could share in this light. He brought us near to the Father’s heart and offered us the opportunity to become sons and daughters of Abba, our Lord. Created in his image and invited to share in his glory and riches, He offers us the Kingdom of Heaven. 

What glory? What riches? You may wonder, as you look at your current circumstances. The grief and uncertainty of the current season may be engulfing you. As you ponder the words of John, what may God be inviting you to consider? The invitation to be a child of God might feel exciting for some, but for some, it feels scary. We all need guides when we feel adrift, or as in Thorin’s case, a friendly hobbit. According to the Word, we are all brothers and sisters. The eternal family to which we belong is full of wisdom and compassion. They are often the ones that will be a light in the darkness. These persons could be a friend, pastor, counselor, spiritual director, or mentor. Only you know who you need. 

“You have received one gracious blessing after the other.”

John 1:16 par

God’s gifts surround us. Sometimes circumstances blind us, but as I have worked with people in the darkest places, I see light rise when they practice gratitude. You can be grateful for a roof over your head and food in your belly. You might be grateful for creation and natural beauty. It could be that someone big or small in your circle of influence produces a smile in you today. This morning I was thankful for a warm cup of coffee and the sweet silence of a waking world. These are the treasures that surround us every day, we only need to look a little closer. 

Jesus came not to condemn us through the law, but to offer his unfailing love and faithfulness.

John 1:17 par

As you draw near the light, the light will reflect through your life. You are the beloved daughter or son of the King of Kings. You belong to his Kingdom and his glory can be found in you. Every part of your life matters to God. You are his treasure and his delight. He invites each of you to engage every day with him. What does your invitation say today?

(For a guided meditation of John 1:1-18 please check out our new YouTube Channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCs09ki4BW2fFqEETisuTgwg)


Peace Be With You

It rests within him as he lies upon the boat, curled up among the ropes and nets. The ship’s mast cries out a like a hundred whips lashing the sky. Deep rest soothes his soul and permeates his being. No storm, no circumstance alters his path. He lives from the core of his being. This is the place in him that lives in us. Frantic voices cry out, “The storm! We are all going to die!” The presence of peace muffles out the furor of the rising tempest. It is a peace obtained through gentle surrender. Each day, not his own but given up to the will of his Father. He knows his path lies in the shadow of giant footprints. Will you follow him? 

This morning, as I practiced an Ignatian exercise, I meditated on the phrase, “I rest in your peace.”[1] My brain transported me to an ancient ship fighting the mighty gales of an unpredictable storm. I was curled up next to Jesus resting in his presence. It was as if we were sleeping within a bubble of light protecting us from the storm. It was bliss. 

Shortly after my time with Jesus I was reading the latest news about the COVID-19 epidemic. Anxiety swelled up within me. Like the disciples, I wondered when God would do something to calm the raging seas. It is human nature to fear death. We were created for life.

“The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give us abundant life.”

John 10:10 par

Human instinct will always lead us to survival. This makes the idea of dying to one’s self challenging to understand.

Dallas Willard writes in Renovation of the Heart, “This total yielding of every part of our body to God, until the very tissues and muscles that make it up are inclined toward God and godliness and are vitalized in action by the powers of heaven, breaks all conformity with worldly life in this age and transforms us into conformity with the age to come, by completing the renewal of our minds- our powers of thought and imaginations and judgment deeply rooted in our bodies.”[2] Our human inclination around the current pandemic is to panic, express anger, confusion, hopelessness, and a myriad of other emotions. It is only by the renewing of our minds and daily surrender that we can make the pilgrimage towards abundant life. 

“To be a pilgrim is to let ourselves be led by the Lord. Pilgrims are people on a way.”[3] This way leads us towards peace. There are many obstacles all of us will face as we journey towards the heart of God. Blocked by losses, sickness, poverty, and hopelessness, the way is no longer clear. Serenity becomes a poetic word that does not translate to real life. How can you find peace in a time like this? Gary Moon says, “Our only hope is to have Jesus on our insides, alive, powerful, loving and acting through our mouths and limbs.”[4] This happens through discipleship, surrender, and prayer. 

In Philippians 4:4-9 Paul exhorts us to: 

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” (ESV).

Philippians 4:4-9 Paul exhorts

This is a rich passage full of many treasures. It gives us a road map for peace. When I think about the internal pilgrimage I am trekking; I can notice what triggers moments of peace vs. moments of anxiety or sadness. I know Jesus is calling me to be thankful daily, to engage in regular worship, to seek opportunities to love others, and to rest in his presence. I am also being called to put down negative news articles, the desire to debate with others, or to retreat from the present moment. Life is difficult right now. For many of us, the oceans are roaring high above our tiny vessels. 

We were wired for peace, but sometimes self-preservation intervenes. I wonder about the statement, “God is in control.” While he could take control over me, that is not how he rolls. By his mercy, we are given a choice. We can live this life by the power we possess. We can also trade in our power for the power of God. Who doesn’t want that type of upgrade? In Life Without Lack, Willard says, “…we were made to run on God.” [5] What an encouraging thought. Through trust and surrender, peace may be possible. I pray that today you will be blessed with God’s peace. 

[1] Michael Hansen, My First Spiritual Exercises: Four Guided Retreats (Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press).

[2] Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress), 170.

[3] David Fleming, SJ, What is Ignatian Spirituality? (Chicago, IL: Loyola Press, 2008), 34. 

[4] Gary Moon, Apprenticeship with Jesus: Learning to Live Like the Master (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books),131.

[5] Dallas Willard, Life Without Lack: Living in the Fullness of Psalm 23 (Nashville, TN: Nelson Books),134.