
The Wild Love of God
I pray for God’s grace to help me be fully present to the in-between, to slow down before rushing to the next thing. And in that slow-down, I find God’s wild love for me—and for you.
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Finding Home and Belonging: Within Ourselves and with God
The wonder of this is that God resides in my body, just as I abide in God. I have found a home in God, but to truly encounter home, I must also be at home with myself. 
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Hope and Freedom: Initial Thoughts on Luther Smith Jr.'s New Book Hope Is Here
            This month I started reading Hope Is Here by Luther Smith, who is a Howard Thurman scholar and an individual who has played an important role in the justice movement in Atlanta...
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A Return to Our Humanity: Trained to Kill and Born to Love
Written by Tracy Busse           Today I read an article about the loss of lives in Israel and Palestine and since then the following quote continues to tear at my heart....
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Stillness and the Nervous System
Written by Tracy Busse The past few months have been a flurry of travel, visiting family, friends, and beautiful places. Each trip has held many treasures with people I love,...
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